Lighting Hardware for All Seasons
Create a fun and whimsical scene by customizing your lighting display! With the Light Strand, you can mix and match a variety...
Shop NowSimplify your holiday decorating experience with the convenient Light Spools! With our C7 and C9 SPT-1 Light Spools, you can create...
Shop NowGive your DL Pro Light display life with this Standard 120V Power Cord. This IP44-rated coaxial cable is 36" long and ensures a...
Shop NowThese Shingle Tabs easily secure your light displays to your buildings. Sold in a case of 100, these tabs attach to your building...
Shop NowThese Parapet Clips easily secure your light displays to your buildings. Sold in a case of 100, these clips attach...
Shop NowThese Universal Light Clips easily secure your light displays to your buildings. Sold in a case of 100, these clips attach...
Shop NowCap your intricate Ropelight display with our 13 mm (0.51") Ropelight End Caps. These caps create a sealed connection to keep your...
Shop NowFinish your DL Pro Lighting display with our X Connectors. Connect three runs to one power source with these X Connectors...
Shop NowSimplify your holiday decorating experience with our convenient Light Spools! Fill your spool with our globe bulbs, faceted LEDs, or colorful...
Shop NowMount your C7 or C9 light display with ease using these Universal Magnet Clips. Sold in a case of 1,000, these...
Shop NowGive your Straight Edge Lighting display life with this Power Cord and Connector. Equipped with an AC-DC Transformer, this cord can...
Shop NowSet up your year-round lighting with our Suspended Festival Lighting strands! This 130V system has 24" spacing and holds bulbs with...
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- Toll Free: 800-474-5179
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